I got started in building this family tree in 1992 after my daughter, Melissa, was assigned a homework project in school to make a family tree showing at least four generations. To do this she had to interview family members and collect copies of any family records. It was during this project that I realized how little we knew about our family roots. Shortly after Melissa completed her project I took on the challenge to compile a set of records that could be handed down to future generations.
I have since compiled nine generations of my own Mackay (Mackey) family history, and have collected quite a lot about other Mackays. I have written this data into hypertext in an effort to make it readable for anyone and to allow linking of other branches of relations which can be maintained by themselves and accessable by Internet.
My branch of the Mackays emigrated in the early 1830s to Quebec Province of Canada from Ballintra County, Donegal Ireland, where they had lived since they were forced out of Scotland during "The Clearances [1747 to 1853]". My Grandfather moved to the USA around 1920.
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