To bring the project to a closure I set off for Quebec in August of 1995 with a goal of finding Josephs grave and the farm in Sawyerville. I had hopes that the gravestone might yield some more information to possibly push back one more generation. Also, if I could find the farm it would make a good picture to include in this document.
The Parkhurst Cemetery turned out to be just outside of St. Sylvestre in Ste. Patrice de Baurivage, a rural town about 50 km south of Quebec City. A search of the 40 or so gravestones turned up Josephs name and, a Thomas Mackay, William Mackay, Mary Mackay, and Alex Mackay. Judging by the dates, it looked like I had possibly found the names of Josephs mom and dad, and two brothers and a sister-in-law. More loose ends to figure out!
Another interesting find was the differences in spelling of the name. Joseph's stone was spelled Mackey, indicating that William had changed the spelling of the family name. Also, while there I met the people who live next to Parkhurst and do the caretaking. They explained that Dr. Curtus Lowry of Sawyerville coordinates a yearly bus trip to visit Parkhurst and collects donations to fund its maintenance. (Send to Dr. Curtis Lowry, 14 Cookshire, Sawyerville Que. JOB 3AO)
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