The Mackay Family and Other Relations

The family data we have compiled here is organized in a logical order to aid the reader. Althouh the Mackay family is of primary focus, many other families are related and some significantly large sections are linked into this tree.

What we are looking for is who they were, when they were born, who they married, when they married, where they married, who their spouse was, when they were born, how many children they had, and finally when and where they died. It is hoped that this consistent format will aid in "releasing" clues from the data as the research progresses. Note that details about living people are surpressed on the Internet site to protect them from possible identity theft.

Capitalization and spelling are given exactly as found on the source documetation or gravestone. Notes are transcribed without correction of spelling.

Also, we have taken great care not to "force" the data to fit and obvious or intuitive conclusions. The data is left as unfiltered as possible.

Return to the Mackay data starting page.